When it comes to missing teeth, you have a few options to consider. The two most common options are dental implants and dental bridges. But which method is really the best answer for you? Are there downsides to either option and what do they both really mean? Let the experts at Summer Creek Dental break it down for you.

Differences Between Dental Implants & Dental Bridges

Dental implants are fairly new to the world of dentistry, but bridges have been around for much longer. With dental implants, you can easily replace just the missing tooth, with little to no damage to the surrounding teeth. If you’re missing multiple teeth, implants can still be used to fill in the spaces. If the tooth loss has happened somewhat recently, with minimal damage to the gums, and jaw bone, implants are usually recommended. If the loss happened some time ago, bridges might be the best option for replacement.

When dealing with bridges, your missing tooth, or teeth, won’t be the only thing affected. When installing a dental bridge, your dentist will chip away at the enamel of the surrounding teeth, to help create the bridge itself, and to help properly position it. Bridges work better if the tooth loss happened a while ago, if there’s gum decay, or if the surviving teeth near the gap have large fillings or their own dental issues.

Which Is More Durable?

If you’re wanting to go for the most durable option, you should consider dental implants, after discussing it with your dentist. The metal center of the implant is usually made with medical grade titanium, which actually allows the implant to fuse with your jaw bone, naturally integrating your new implant into the rest of your mouth. Since the titanium is medical grade, it often cuts down on the chances of rejection, and infection during the healing process.

Dental bridges, on the other hand, requires much more upkeep, and even replacements over time. After all, a bridge is only good for about 10 years, before it needs to be replaced. Since bridges affect nearby teeth, normal wear and tear can lead to damage of healthy teeth, and even failure, if not taken care of properly. Chances for decay and gum disease are usually higher with bridges, as well.

Which Is More Affordable?

One of the biggest questions that pop up when it comes to implants VS bridges is the cost. When it comes to upfront costs, dental bridges are often the less expensive option of filling in missing teeth. Just because bridges are less expensive to start off with, though, doesn’t mean that the price won’t add up in the long run. Remember, the lifespan for bridges is only 10 years, and that doesn’t take into consideration the possibilities of bridges failing before they’ve reached their life expectancy.

On the other hand, dental implants cost much more upfront, versus traditional dental bridges. After all, when dealing with dental implants, you’re dealing with a surgical process when it comes to the actual insertion. While there is a slim chance that your dental implant may fail or be rejected, most patients find that after their first dental implant, they never have to get the same one replaced again. Not only that, but dentists are often more willing to offer payment plans for dental implants.

Summer Creek Can Help with Dental Implants & Bridges

No matter if you’re looking to invest in a new bridge, or in dental implants, the team here at Summer Creek Dental is here to help. Our amazing staff can help you decide on the dental option that is best for you, and work with you to return your beautiful smile. If you’re ready to get started on a bridge, or implants, contact us to schedule a consultation!