
Dentures are an effective and easy way to replace teeth. For someone who doesn’t want to have dental implants fitted, or cannot afford the process, dentures are a very good alternative. Being easy to fit and easy to remove, a personalized and well made set of dentures is a good way to maintain your oral health and ability over a long term period.
So, we want to answer all of your questions. Here at Summer Creek Dental, we want all of our patients to know just how easy and convenient it can be to get dentures. Working hard in Humble, Texas, we have plenty of experience in explaining and defining the process, which many people can get confused about. But there are many benefits, and we can finally ensure you have everything required to get the dental solution you need.
The Benefits of Dentures
There are many benefits to dentures, both physically and mentally. For example, dentures can do a lot for your self confidence and self esteem. After dentures are fitted, a person can feel a lot more secure in their smile, and feel like they can thrive better in social situations. All in all, a patient often feels that their appearance is improved after dentures are fitted.
Dentures can also help the physical structure of your mouth as well. When a set of dentures is fitted into a person’s mouth, and they’re worn over a long term period, the facial muscles around the mouth are much more supported. This can also mean your speech gets better, if that’s something you struggle with, as forming words has a lot to do with the way your teeth sit in your mouth.
The Process of Getting Dentures Fitted
First, an initial dental examination is conducted. During this, impressions of your teeth will be taken, and you’ll also be told whether or not any teeth will need to be removed to ensure your dentures will fit well. If so, the process of aftercare will be thoroughly explained to you.
Once molds are taken, a set of dentures tailored perfectly to you can be created. You may be able to choose the color of your teeth too! After this, your bite action is tested, to make sure your dentures are fitted comfortably, and then you’ll be walked through how to take care of your new dentures.
When Do You Need Dentures?
So, the big question is: When do you actually need a set of dentures? There are many signs that a set of dentures may be in your future – one of the most obvious is missing/lost teeth, but there are some that may surprise you.
For example, if your teeth are getting loose, or if you’re finding it hard to eat and chew without experiencing pain. Similarly, if you have red and/or swollen gums, it may be a good idea to ask your dentist about what’s next for you, and whether or not you need to consider dentures in the future.