Everyone wants a straight smile, but are braces worth it? This dilemma started in 1819 when Christophe Delabarre invented braces. While effective for the past 200 years, isn’t it time for an upgrade? If you agree, you’re not alone. At Summer Creek Dental, we believe in SureSmile- an invisible, sleek, removable 3D-printed aligner that can straighten your smile in record time. With state-of-the-art technology, we provide the highest quality of aligners with SureSmile in Humble, Texas!

Here are ten surprising benefits of SureSmile that will leave you starstruck:


SureSmile in Humble, Texas

With SureSmile, it’s never been easier to get a straight smile! SureSmile offers an elegant solution to anybody who wishes to align their smile professionally and discreetly. Our dentists, Dr. Thibodeaux, Dr. Dar, and Dr. Price, are dental experts with years of relevant experience. Backed by an excellent team and the most advanced technology, your teeth have a bright future with us. 

Ready to upgrade your smile? Schedule an appointment here.